[Jun 19] Speak out Against Budget Cuts to Homeless Programs

Location: SF City Hall Room 250
Date/Time: Thursday June 19 @ 5:00 p.m.

What: Board of Supervisors public hearing on proposed budget cuts

Come early to get in line!

*About issue if time:

Mayor Newsom released a budget that will terminate critical health and human services, while pumping up salaries for police by 25% and adding many new high paid patronage positions into his own administration. We need the board to stand up and do the right thing - restore the devastating cuts some highlights of the devastating impact of the budget include:

1) Closure of Ella Hill Hutch shelter serving up to 100 people every night in the western addition.

2) Closure of caduceus outreach services, a mental health treatment and wrap around support program for severely disabled homeless adults with co-existing addictive disorders.

3) Close tenderloin health homeless drop-in serving 300 poor people daily

4) Almost total elimination (66% cut) of sro families united program for families with dependent children living in hotels.

5) Cut of 22% of residential substance abuse and mental health treatment programs budgets.

A. Removal of support from Conard supportive housing program for severe psychiatric disabilities.

B. Closure of Cortland acute diversion unit for individuals in psychiatric crisis.

C. Loss of 12 out of 24 community based medically supported detox beds

6) Cut of 30% to all outpatient substance abuse and mental health treatment

7) Closure of two large shetlers during daytime hours -episcopal/next door

8) Almost total elimination of stop treatment program.

9) 1,600 people losing mental health treatment through private provider network.

Brought to you by the People's Budget Collaborative - working for a fair city budget for poor people in SF

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