[Jun 10] Taller: Resistir las redadas de la migra / Resist ICE raids

[English below]


Un taller para organizadores y líderes del movimiento laboral

Martes, 10 de junio
5-7:30 pm
(209 Golden Gate Ave esquina de Leavenworth)

En los últimos meses, ICE (el Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas) ha aumentado sus redadas en sitios de trabajo, en el área de la bahia y por todo el país – deteniendo y deportando a miles de hombres y mujeres por el supuesto delito de trabajar para mantener a sus familias.

Los sindicatos estan enfrentando el desafío de responder a las preguntas y preocupaciones de sus miembros, ayudarles a defender a sus compañeros, y construir un movimiento político que pueda parar estos ataques a la gente trabajadora.

Este taller enseñará:
  • Entrenar a los trabajadores a afirmar sus derechos con los agentes de inmigración.
  • Preparar a los representantes sindicales y otros líderes a apoyar a los demás trabajadores durante una redada
  • Responder a las redadas: organizar protestas de respuesta inmediata que son seguras y eficazes, usar servicios legales y sociales, y abogar por trabajadores detenidos.
Organizado por la Coalición Laboral pro-Derechos de Inmigrantes y el Centro de Recursos Legales para Inmigrantes.

a workshop for activists in the labor movement and in the community

Tuesday, June 10
5-7:30 pm
(209 Golden Gate Ave at Leavenworth)

In the past few months, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) has been stepping up workplace raids in the Bay Area and around the country - imprisoning and deporting thousands of men and women for the “crime” of working to support their families. Unions are faced with the challenge of addressing members’ questions and fears, helping them stand up for each other effectively, and building a political response that can end these attacks on working people.

This workshop will address:
  • Training workers to assert their rights when dealing with immigration agents
  • Preparing shop stewards and leaders to support other workers during a raid
  • Responding to raids: running safe and effective rapid response protests,accessing legal and social services, advocating for detained workers.
Sponsored by the Bay Area Labor Coalition on Immigration and the Immigrant Legal Resource Center.


Lindsie said...

an illegal immigrant is a person with not rights, no papers no rights! undocumented! hello! you guys are wrong the 20 million illegal aliens will have to go home and ask their own countries for food stamps, wic , medicaid, free school, free go back to your own countries and ask your presidents to buscar un mejor future. dont come here and have 5 kids and expect the government to feed all your family.

Radio Zapatista said...

It would be tempting to delete this comment but we chose to leave it for its illustrative value. It is this, and not just unfair laws, which all of us need to struggle against: the explosive and ever-dangerous combination of ignorance and self-righteousness, which is the seed of all atrocities we live. The indignation comments like these might elicit should not be directed against people like Lindsie... they are a victim, as all of us are in one way or another, of a dehumanizing system which robs us of our lives by robbing us of the opportunity of seeing the Other. Does Lindsie benefit directly from the brutal system of exploitation that is the root cause of despair and migration? Probably not. It is the equally violent oppression of dehumanizing ideologies of that very system of exploitation that leads to this mad outpour of ignorant hatred.