[Nov 17] March for Woodfin Worker's Backwages (Emeryville)

March for Backwages MONDAY!

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Dear friends -

It's time for the Woodfin to pay up.

Please join us this Monday at 5 PM at the Woodfin Suites as we march from the hotel to Emeryville City Hall:

"Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters"
A March for Woodfin Workers' Backwages

Monday, November 17th starting at 5 PM sharp
March from the Woodfin (5800 Shellmound, Emeryville)
to Emeryville City Hall (Park & Hollis, Emeryville)
RSVP: http://www.workingeastbay.org/woodfin_hearing

When I first met the housekeepers at the Woodfin Suites Hotel in Emeryville several years ago, they were hurting. Literally. As one worker, Lorena, explained:

I started working [at the Woodfin] with a desire to improve my life. …we were cleaning 14 rooms, then 15, 16, and finally 17 suites per day. Sometimes I couldn't even stop to get a glass of water. I would get home with my feet very swollen, my hands swollen, and with a headache. When we couldn't finish, they made us punch out after 8 hours and told us to finish... I asked God to open up a way for us to get justice because it was too much.

And now, over 1,000 days after the Measure C living wage ordinance went into effect, workers like Lorena are still fighting for the backwages they are owed from the backbreaking work they did while Woodfin refused to comply with the law. On the night that City Council hears the Woodfin's arguments against paying the backwages, join workers like Lorena in demanding that the Woodfin pay up now!

In a sign that options continue to dwindle for this "hold-out" hotel, on Thursday Judge Steven A. Brick of the Alameda Superior Court denied the Woodfin Hotel's request for an injunction against the Emeryville City Council.

Justice is on the way, so come be part of making history with us!

Please dress warm, wear blue (for the "river of justice") and bring a flashlight or headlamp if you have one.

To RSVP, click: http://www.workingeastbay.org/woodfin_hearing.

For more information, contact Brooke Anderson at 510-846-0766 or at brooke(at)workingeastbay.org.

See you on Monday,
Brooke Anderson

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