[Jul 12] Protest Gang Injunctions

Racial Profiling = Gang Injunctions

Thursday, July 12, 2007
* Press Conference at the Court Building: 400 McAllister St
at 9:30 am!! Stop the Gang Injunctions!

The Mission District and allies are protesting the proposed Gang Injunctions against the Nortenos, Eddy Rock, Chopper City and Knock Out Posse gangs.

These gang injunctions will:

1. Make it easier to criminalize youth
2. Exclude those under the injunction from their communities
3. Make it easier to prosecute alleged "gang members" by making "gang signs" a crime, wearing certain colors a crime, associating with other folks under injunctions a crime, and much more
4. Legalizes Racial Profiling against Blacks, Latinos, and other People of Color

The mission district feels that gang injunctions are an extension of gentrification because it is segregating more people of color out of their communities were they could receive services or interact with community organizations that can provide help to them.

We also feel that we have directly been pushed aside from any decision making in this process. Where is the jobs for youth? Where is the money for rehabilitation programs? Why haven't our children's schools been getting more funding?

Our communities should demand to be included in policies that will directly affect our families, friends, and communities.

Please come and support our press conference and let the Mayor Newsom and City Attorney Dennis Herrera that we don't want any gang injunctions, what we want is community involvement in solving our problems.

For more info holla at Ana Maria Loya @ 415-575-3500 at La Raza Centro Legal

The next meeting will be held at Centro del Pueblo on July 10, 2007 @ 5pm.
Located on 16th and Valencia
(474 Valencia Street)

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